Epoch Ravine (alpha) Mac OS

Change Note
V2.0.0 11-Feb-91 Release of CDF V2.0.
V2.1.0 7-Jun-91 Release of CDF V2.1.
V2.2.0 20-May-92 Release of CDF V2.2.
V2.3.0 1-Oct-92 Release of CDF V2.3.
V2.4.0 26-Jan-94 Release of CDF V2.4.
V2.5.0 21-Dec-94 Release of CDF V2.5.
V2.6.0* 23-Feb-96 Alpha release of CDF V2.6.
V2.6.0# 5-Apr-96 Beta release of CDF V2.6.
V2.6.0& 13-Jun-96 Beta release of CDF V2.6.
V2.6.0$ 17-Jun-96 Beta release of CDF V2.6.
V2.6.0@ 15-Aug-96 Beta release of CDF V2.6.
V2.6.0 10-Oct-96 Release of CDF V2.6.
V2.7.0 27-Sep-99 Release of CDF V2.7.
V2.7.1 16-May-01
  • Add new ports: Solaris on PC, MacOS X and Linux on DEC/Alpha.
  • Correct bugs in CDFDump program.
  • Correct and enhance CDF-Java APIs and Java Native Interface (JNI).
  • Add new Java-based tool programs for CDFEdit and CDFExport.
  • Add variable name checking in CDFconvert for compression option.
  • Add Cygwin port for win32 on PC. Create individual tool programs for Windows using Cygwin libraries.
05-Dec-01 Add a new set of APIs: CDFgetrVarsRecordData, CDFgetzVarsRecordData, CDFputrVarsRecordData and CDFputzVarsRecordData to allow a full single record read/write for a group of r/zVariables.
26-Jan-02 Correct a bug in cdfcmp.c for showing dimension size differences between two zVariables.
28-Jun-02 Add a new option in cdfcmp.c to allow tolerance checks while comparing two unequal data values.
22-Jul-02 Handle f77 Fortran for Cygwin.
  • Add 64-bit mode for Solaris/sparc64 for sparcv9.
  • gcc for 64-bit is added.
V2.7.2 08-Apr-04 Change the way that current variable select is being handled. Keep the current variable selected offset as a reference for any following variable selection. Originally, each time a selection of a variable or getting a variable's field data will start the search for that variable ALWAYS from the beginning of the variable list. It requires too many I/Os for accessing a sequence of variables.
04-May-04 Corrected a bug that caused the f77 to fail under 64-bit environment.
V3.0 07-Jan-05
  • Changed file offset from type long (32-bit) to off_t (64-bit) for the platform on which the data type is supported. Changed the file I/O functions accordingly. The CDF internal file structures are changed. Made the library backward compatible, meaning programs created from V3.0 can still access (read/update) the CDF files of older version.
  • Expanded the length of variable and attribute name from 64 to 256.
  • The CDF/Java was modified to ensure that concurrent accessing a CDF would be thread-safe.
  • Added a new data type, CDF_EPOCH16, to accommodate more refined time resolution within a second. A new set of functions, similar to those of CDF_EPOCH data type, was added.
  • Modified cdfdump tool program to be more efficient in data reading.
25-Mar-05 Changed JNI and Java-CDF APIs to ensure proper operations within the multiple-threaded environment.
V3.1.0 27-May-05 Added new sets of APIs to allow Standard Interface to interact with zVariables and other CDF-related information.
11-Jul-05 Added MingW port for PC.
05-Aug-05 Added new functions to allow creating CDF files in older, V2.7, version, not just the default V3.1.
18-Jan-06 Modified code, including tools, to handle file path that has '.cdf' or '.skt' extension while it is not expected to be there.
30-Jan-06 Add FreeBSD port for PCs.
1-Feb-06 Added Intel C++ and Fortran compilers for Linux port on PCs.
  • Added support for HPUX and AIX for both 32 and 64-bit mode.
  • Allow Mac OS X to build code for PPC and i386.
V3.1.1 12-Oct-06
  • Modified to allow upper/lower case CDF name for Windows.
  • Changed Epoch to make 9999-12-31 23:59:999 as encoded date for the filled value of -1.0E31. For EPOCH16, a pair of -1.0E31 filled values is encoded as 9999-12-31 23:59:999:999:999:999.
V3.2.0 21-Oct-06 Added MD5 checksum feature for data integrity check of the CDF. Modified tools to use the checksum feature. Added a couple of new tool programs: cdfdump and cdfmerge. Renamed the original cdfdump to cdfirsdump.
25-Apr-07 Changed the default size of cache buffers from 512 to 10240 bytes to improve data access performance.
18-Jun-07 Enhanced READONLY mode to improve meta-data access performance. When READONLY mode is selected, all meta-data is read and stored in internal data structures which are then accessed whenever meta-data is requested.
V3.2.1 24-Apr-08 Modified the library so a potential buffer overflow vulnerability when reading specially-crafted (invalid) CDF can be avoided.
V3.2.2 10-Aug-08 A maintenance release. Modified the Java tools so they can handle CDF files with space(s) in the file path. cdfmerge tool was modified to allow merging 'Epoch' variable data just like other variables. Also, corrected a couple of bugs related to READONLY mode functions that cause memory leak and fail to find attribute entries.
V3.2.3 24-Nov-08 Modified CDFdump to add a new output option.
V3.2.4 20-Jan-09 Bug fixed for checksum option running on 64-bit machines.
V3.3.0 10-Jun-09
  • Added an optional process to validate data fields in a CDF when it is open. This process addresses a potential issue of library becoming vulnerable when a compromised CDF is accessed.
  • A new tool, cdfvalidate, is added.
  • All CDF tools, except cdfconvert, will have sanity checks on.
  • Added Linux running on PPC.
  • Modified CDF-Java code and JNI to properly handle multi-dimensional variables in COLUMN-major file, and preserve variable's dimensionality if a non-variant dimension exists.
V3.3.1 5-May-11
  • Added several new features to cdfexport tool program.
  • Bug fixed in Java-CDF APIs and a couple of new methods were added.
  • New features were added to cdfdump to allow selected variables and a range of records to be dumped.
  • MingW port was revised to handle 'pdcurses', if installed, for the curses-based tools.
  • Fixed cdf validation to allow some V2.0 files to be valid.
  • Bugs fixed in the core library, Java-CDF APIs and tools.
1-Sep-11 (V3.3.1.1) Fixed 64-bit Fortran on Solaris/Intel port. Changed release sub-increment from an character to an alphanumeric number. Fixed Java and C# APIs. Fixed library bug.
V3.3.2 5-Sep-11 (V3.3.2.1-2)
  • Added CDF_INT8 and CDF_TIME_TT2000 data types.
  • Implemented leap seconds into CDF_TIME_TT2000.
  • New features were added to handle epoch values in/to CDF_TIME_TT2000: including encoding, decoding, parsing, computing and breakdown.
  • Bugs fixed in the core library.
9-Jan-12 (V3.3.2.3)
  • Email address changed for cdfsupport.
  • Bugs fixed in the core library and other APIs.
V3.4.0 1-Mar-12 (V3.4.0.0)
  • Convert V3.3.2.3 to new version.
  • Reset pad values for INT8 and TT2000 data types.
V3.4.1 10-May-12 (V3.4.1.0)
  • Bugs fixed in core library.
  • Minor changes in skt2cdf tool program and cdfdump help.
  • Fixed cdfmerge while using text file for input files control.
  • Modified Java CDF class's open method to delay collecting variable and attribute data.
V3.5.0 10-Oct-12 (V3.5.0.0 beta)
  • Bugs fixed in core library and tool programs.
  • Used open source zlib source code to replace CDF's modified GZIP compression/decompression from original code by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.
  • Modified the default blocking factor for compressed variable data to improve performance.
15-Sep-13 (V3.5.0.1)
  • Fixed minor memory leaks in core library and JNI.
  • Added a new option to cdfdump tool for how to show the floating-point values if FORMAT entry is missing.
  • Added support for Visual Basic on Windows.
  • Pad value is set when a variable is created.
  • Fixed code to save CDFid for 64-bit Fortran when a CDF is open/created, even only 4-byte of it is used in Fortran code.
  • Default pad values are set with rather invalid values, so they can be recognized easily.
31-Mar-14 (V3.5.0.2)
  • Use the latest open source zlib version 1.2.8.
  • Properly handle writing string typed pad value that could contain garbage if the length of value is less than the variable's defined number of elements.
  • Added support for NaN, INF, -INF for floating point values.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
V3.6.0 01-Mar-15 (V3.6.0.3)
  • Added a new leap second for 07-01-2015 in the leap second table.
  • Added a new header field in a CDF to record the leap second table the file is based upon. A set of get/set operations were implemented in all APIs.
  • Added a new record delete option in the library, which will rearrange remaining records for sparse record variables.
  • Skipped checking the given CDF file name for ASCII for reading. Only enforce the file name to be ASCII, but not the directory portion, if provided, for creating a CDF.
  • Tool cdfconvert has a few new options: 1. sort the keyed variable, e.g., Epoch, for the output file, 2. globally reset the blocking factor, 3. reset the leap second last updated date, 4. adjust the TT2000 time.
  • Tool cdfdump was modified to detect whether a CDF is a valid one, even at the variable data level.
  • Minor bugs fixed.
10-Jun-15 (V3.6.0.4)
  • Modified the cdfjava jar file. Extended the CDF status message length.
V3.6.1 20-Sep-15 (V3.6.1.0)
  • Used the preserved system temporary folder, e.g. /tmp for Linux/Unix/MacOSX, to hold the temporary file(s) while doing compression/decompression.
  • Set temporary file name using the random number generator with process id and current time as the seed.
  • Added support for computing TT2000 from UTC if the passed day is DOY (day of the year from January 1st).
  • Added a few options to cdfconvert tool program.
V3.6.2 20-Mar-16 (V3.6.2.0)
  • Modified to Makefile and installation process to support Mac OS X El Captain (10.11).
  • Modified the library to handle string data that has a shorter length than defined (number of elements) when reading/writing. It will be filled with spaces, starting from the NUL.
15-May-16 (V3.6.2.1)
  • Bug fixed for computing TT2000 time if only year/month/day components are entered.
V3.6.3 5-Oct-16 (V3.6.3.0)
  • Added a new leap second for 1/1/2017.
  • Added a new set of CDFread C-based functions.
  • Added new features in cdfdump, cdfstats tool programs.
10-Jan-17 (V3.6.3.1)
  • Modified the data write functions for TT2000 data type to update the leap second last updated header field from the leap second table. This resolves a problem if a master/template CDF is used for creating CDFs as its header field value never changed.
V3.6.4 20-Mar-17 (V3.6.4.0)
  • Used C-based function to create the temporary files, in 'mycdftmp.XXXXXX' form, for compression/decompression.
  • Used a more orderly check for the directory to hold the temporary files.
  • Modified cdfexport to not truncate variable name for output.
  • Have a separate patch for supporting IDL 8.6.
V3.7.0 20-Apr-18 (V3.7.0.0)
  • Allowed Null-terminating string for variable data and attribute entries.
  • Allowed multiple strings for variable attribute entry.
  • Added support for ARM architecture.
  • Added Itanium IA64 on OpenVMS.
  • Added pure Java package, cdfj.jar, for CDF read/write.
  • Enhanced the CDF XML schema.
V3.7.1 29-May-19 (V3.7.1.0)
  • Added a set of more generalized CDF epoch data encoding and parsing functions. Modified the default encoded epoch data to be of ISO 8601 form.
  • Added a new set of CDF epoch data conversion to/from Unix time.
  • Modified cdfconvert tool program to set the rVariables' dimension to zero (0), when converting a CDF with zMode 2. Simialar change is also applied to cdfexport tool program.
  • Enhanced the CDF XML schema.
  • Bugs fixed.
V3.8.0 6-Mar-20 (V3.8.0.0)
  • Modified the code to use a variable's FILLVAL, replacing its PAD value, for all variable's missing data if it exists, provided its data type being equivalent to its variable's.
  • String typed variable's pad value is filled with a single space and followed by NUL(s), instead of multiple spaces.
  • Changed skt2cdf tool program to allow handling a skeleton table directly from Windows (with rn at the end in each line) on non-Windows systems.
  • Added new options to cdfconvert tool program to
    • Remove non-varying dimension(s) from the source zVariable(s) if it does not have DEPEND_* attribute defined to the destination variable.
    • Replace any pad value(s) in a variable's data by its FILLVAL value, if FILLVAL attribute exists and has an equivalent data type as variable's.
  • Modified the tool programs to use FORMAT attribute to encode both data and metadata if the format is to be used. These include all C-based and Java-based tools.
  • A new option is added to cdf2skt tool to allow users to choose how to display variable's metadata and data, either with or witout format.
  • Modified the default encoded epoch data to be of ISO 8601 form.
  • Bugs fixed.
9-Jul-20 (V3.8.0.1)
  • Modified the CDF epoch breakdown functions that might cause incorrect day being returned.

(50 points)The textarea shown to the left is named ta in a form named f1.It contains the top 10,000 passwords in order of frequency of use - each followed by a comma (except the last one). MacOS Big Sur elevates the most advanced desktop operating system in the world to a new level of power and beauty. Experience Mac to the fullest with a refined new design. Enjoy the biggest Safari update ever. Discover new features for Maps and Messages.

macOS Big Sur elevates the most advanced desktop operating system in the world to a new level of power and beauty. Experience Mac to the fullest with a refined new design. Enjoy the biggest Safari update ever. Discover new features for Maps and Messages. Get even more transparency around your privacy.

Chances are, your Mac can run macOS Big Sur

The following models are supported:

  • MacBook (2015 or later)
  • MacBook Air (2013 or later)
  • MacBook Pro (Late 2013 or later)
  • Mac mini (2014 or later)
  • iMac (2014 or later)
  • iMac Pro (2017 or later)
  • Mac Pro (2013 or later)

To see which model you have, click the Apple icon in your menu bar and choose About This Mac.

Make sure you’re ready to upgrade.

Before you upgrade, we recommend that you back up your Mac. If your Mac is running OS X Mavericks 10.9 or later, you can upgrade directly to macOS Big Sur. You’ll need the following:

  • OS X 10.9 or later
  • 4GB of memory
  • 35.5GB available storage on macOS Sierra or later*
  • Some features require an Apple ID; terms apply.
  • Some features require a compatible internet service provider; fees may apply.

Upgrading is free and easy

Upgrading from macOS Catalina 10.15 or Mojave 10.14?

Go to Software Update in System Preferences to find macOS Big Sur. Click Upgrade Now and follow the onscreen instructions.

Upgrading from an older version of macOS?

If you’re running any release from macOS 10.13 to 10.9, you can upgrade to macOS Big Sur from the App Store. If you’re running Mountain Lion 10.8, you will need to upgrade to El Capitan 10.11 first.

If you don’t have broadband access, you can upgrade your Mac at any Apple Store.

  • OS X 10.9 or later
  • 4GB of memory
  • 35.5GB available storage on macOS Sierra or later*
  • Some features require an Apple ID; terms apply.
  • Some features require a compatible internet service provider; fees may apply.

For details about your Mac model, click the Apple icon at the top left of your screen and choose About This Mac. These Mac models are compatible with macOS Big Sur:

  • MacBook (2015 or later)
  • MacBook Air (2013 or later)
  • MacBook Pro (Late 2013 or later)
  • Mac mini (2014 or later)
  • iMac (2014 or later)
  • iMac Pro (2017 or later)
  • Mac Pro (2013 or later)


Requires a broadband internet connection and microphone (built-in or external).

Hey Siri

Supported by the following Mac models:

  • MacBook Pro (2018 or later)
  • MacBook Air (2018 or later)
  • iMac Pro (2017 or later)

Dictation, Voice Control, and Voice Memos

Requires a microphone (built-in or external).

Spotlight Suggestions

Requires a broadband internet connection.


Requires a Multi-Touch trackpad, Force Touch trackpad, Magic Trackpad, or Magic Mouse.

Force Touch gestures require a Force Touch trackpad.

VoiceOver gestures require a Multi-Touch trackpad, Force Touch trackpad, or Magic Trackpad.

Photo Booth

Requires a FaceTime or iSight camera (built-in or external) or USB video class (UVC) camera.


Audio calls require a microphone (built-in or external) and broadband internet connection.

Video calls require a built-in FaceTime camera, an iSight camera (built-in or external), or a USB video class (UVC) camera; and broadband internet connection.

Apple TV

High dynamic range (HDR) video playback is supported by the following Mac models:

  • MacBook Pro (2018 or later)
  • iMac Pro (2017 or later)
  • Mac Pro (2019) with Pro Display XDR

Dolby Atmos soundtrack playback is supported by the following Mac models:

  • MacBook Air (2018 or later)
  • MacBook Pro (2018 or later)


Supported by the following Mac models:

  • MacBook (2016 or later)
  • MacBook Air (2018 or later)
  • MacBook Pro (2016 or later)
  • Mac mini (2018 or later)
  • iMac (late 2015 or later)
  • iMac Pro (2017 or later)
  • Mac Pro (2019)

Supported by all iPad models with Apple Pencil support:

  • 12.9-inch iPad Pro
  • 11-inch iPad Pro
  • 10.5-inch iPad Pro
  • 9.7-inch iPad Pro
  • iPad (6th generation or later)
  • iPad mini (5th generation)
  • iPad Air (3rd and 4th generation)

Continuity Camera

Requires an iPhone or iPad that supports iOS 12 or later.

Continuity Sketch and Continuity Markup

Requires an iPhone with iOS 13 or later or an iPad with iPadOS 13 or later.


Requires an iPhone or iPad with a Lightning connector or with USB-C and iOS 8 or later.

Instant Hotspot


Requires an iPhone or iPad with cellular connectivity, a Lightning connector or USB-C, and iOS 8.1 or later. Requires Personal Hotspot service through your carrier.

Epoch Ravine (alpha) Mac OS

Universal Clipboard

Requires an iPhone or iPad with a Lightning connector or with USB-C and iOS 10 or later. https://herezfile739.weebly.com/the-wheel-ahmedhaddaji-mac-os.html.

Auto Unlock

Requires an Apple Watch with watchOS 3 or later or an iPhone 5 or later.

Approve with Apple Watch

Requires an Apple Watch with watchOS 6 or later or an iPhone 6s or later with iOS 13 or later. Pixies of the forest.

Apple Pay on the Web

Requires a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air with Touch ID, an iPhone 6 or later with iOS 10 or later, or an Apple Watch with watchOS 3 or later.

Phone Calling

Requires an iPhone with iOS 8 or later and an activated carrier plan.


Requires an iPhone with iOS 8.1 or later and an activated carrier plan.


Requires an iPhone with iOS 12 or later and a configured Home app.


AirDrop to iOS and iPadOS devices requires an iPhone or iPad with a Lightning connector or with USB-C and iOS 7 or later.


AirPlay Mirroring requires an Apple TV (2nd generation or later).

AirPlay for web video requires an Apple TV (2nd generation or later). Maxim os mac os.

Peer-to-peer AirPlay requires a Mac (2012 or later) and an Apple TV (3rd generation rev A, model A1469 or later) with Apple TV software 7.0 or later.

Time Machine

Requires an external storage device (sold separately).

Maps electric vehicle routing

Requires an iPhone with iOS 14 and a compatible electric vehicle.

Maps license plate restrictions

Requires an iPhone running iOS 14 or an iPad running iPadOS 14.

Boot Camp

Allows Boot Camp installations of Windows 10 on supported Mac models.

Exchange Support

Play casino games for free online. Requires Microsoft Office 365, Exchange 2016, Exchange 2013, or Exchange Server 2010. Installing the latest Service Packs is recommended.

Windows Migration

Supports OS X 10.7 or later and Windows 7 or later.

App Store

Epoch Ravine (alpha) Mac Os Catalina

Available only to persons age 13 or older in the U.S. and many other countries and regions.


The improved Retouch tool is supported on the following Mac models:

  • MacBook Pro (15-inch and 16-inch models) introduced in 2016 or later
  • iMac (Retina 5K models) introduced in 2014 or later
  • iMac (Retina 4K models) introduced in 2017 or later
  • iMac Pro (2017 or later)
  • Mac Pro introduced in 2013 or later
  • Apple Books
  • Apple News
  • App Store
  • Automator
  • Calculator
  • Calendar
  • Chess
  • Contacts
  • Dictionary
  • DVD Player
  • FaceTime
  • Find My
  • Font Book
  • Home
  • Image Capture
  • Launchpad
  • Mail
  • Maps
  • Messages
  • Mission Control
  • Music
  • Notes
  • Photo Booth
  • Photos
  • Podcasts
  • Preview
  • QuickTime Player
  • Reminders
  • Safari
  • Siri
  • Stickies
  • Stocks
  • System Preferences
  • TextEdit
  • Time Machine
  • TV
  • Voice Memos
  • Activity Monitor
  • AirPort Utility
  • Audio MIDI Setup
  • Bluetooth File Exchange
  • Boot Camp Assistant
  • ColorSync Utility
  • Console
  • Digital Color Meter
  • Disk Utility
  • Grapher
  • Keychain Access
  • Migration Assistant
  • Screenshot
  • Screen Time
  • Script Editor
  • Sidecar
  • System Information
  • Terminal
  • VoiceOver Utility

Epoch Ravine (alpha) Mac Os Update

  • Arabic
  • Catalan
  • Croatian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong)
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English (Australia)
  • English (UK)
  • English (U.S.)
  • Finnish
  • French
  • French (Canada)
  • German
  • Greek
  • Hebrew
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian

Epoch Ravine (alpha) Mac Os X

  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Malay
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Spanish (Latin America)
  • Swedish
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Vietnamese