Elapsed Time Mac OS


C standard library provides clock() function, which can be used to measure the elapsed time. Moto rkd dash sp mac os. It is a system independent C function declared in time.h (compatible on most operationg systems), but it does not give accurate results, not even millisecond accuracy.

In order to see the accuracy of clock(), try the following code on your system. The output tells the minimum clock difference which clock() function can detect. I got about 15 ms resolution on my system.

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Therefore, we need a high resolution timer to measure the elapsed time at least 1 milli-second accuracy. The good news is there are high resolution timer functions, but the bad news is they are system specific. In other words, you have to write different codes on the different system. Windows provides QueryPerformanceCounter() function, and Unix, Linux and Mac OS X systems have gettimeofday(), which is declared in sys/time.h. Both functions can measure at least 1 micro-second difference.


Windows API provides an extremely high resolution timer functions, QueryPerformanceCounter() and QueryPerformanceFrequency(). QueryPerformanceCounter() is used to get the current elapsed ticks, and QueryPerformanceFrequency() is used to get the number of ticks per second, which is used to convert ticks to the actual time.

Here is a usage of QueryPerformanceCounter() for measuring elapsed time.

Unix, Linux and Mac

Elapsed Time Mac Os 7

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gettimeofday() can be used in Unix or Linux based system. This function is declared in 'sys/time.h', so you must include this header before using gettimeofday(). It also produces 1 micro second resolution. Here is a code snippet.

C++ Timer Class

Elapsed Time Mac Os X

This timer class is combining both QueryPerformanceCounter() and gettimeofday(). Therefore, it can be used on both Unix/Linux/Mac and Windows system. Also, it provides simple interfaces to get the elapsed time easily.
The source is available here: timer.zip

Elapsed Time Mac Os X

The following code shows the basic usage.